Law school essay
Paper Topics For Richard Barnfield Cynthia
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Was Parliament Justified In Killing the King? :: essays research papers
In spite of the shortsighted certainty that King Charles I was the legitimately legal pioneer of England, Parliament was more than defended in executing Charles I because of the dissimilar and enthusiastic perspectives on law and life between the individuals and the lord in legislative issues, society, and religion. Parliament never wanted a position where they could control England with undeniable force. They essentially needed enough impediments on the king㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s power that would ensure the individuals certain rights that the ruler can't remove, which compares the conviction of awesome right. Parliament attempted various approaches to make an organized organization where the king㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s power was confined and Parliament, including the individuals that they spoke to, was given a voice in government however their incalculable attempts were pointless and a mistake. Going before the Civil War and commonly after it, Parliament attempted to move toward the lord to present to him their thoughts of how force ought to be disseminated and utilized. They thought of laws and guidelines to determine political issues with the ruler, for example, the Petition of Rights, Nineteen Propositions, and Grand Remonstrance. The lord declined to recognize these laws as veritable laws. He eith er marked and dismissed it or he totally would not trouble himself with the minor grumblings of Parliament. This in the long run prompted the end that King Charles I was the sort of man who couldn't be trusted with the legitimate guarantees he made to his kin. The concerns of Parliament were not seen as a significant worry of his and he denied to consider any arrangements with whatever Parliament needed to state. The king㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s unmanageable ways made Parliament split away from his capacity before England turned into a position of political debacle. Despite the fact that the determined lord wouldn't perceive Parliament㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s approved force and impact, he walked out on his Protestant nation to shape remote collusions against his own kin. On the off chance that that wasn㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t horrible enough, the ruler acted in a preposterous and shocking manner when he put religion into the contention and aggravated it. He requested military help from the Catholic pope and consented to specific terms that could have broken his as of now destabilized nation. The ruler denied the way that he had been crushed by his own subjects, and he did anything he could do in his capacity to forestall the loss of his seat. It isn't right of a valid and authentic ruler to neglect his kin and sell out them in such a repulsive and unfathomable route as to devastate the pride of his country㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s religion.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Things Fall Apart Story Essay Example For Students
Things Fall Apart Story Essay Things Fall Apart is an anecdote about close to home convictions and customs and furthermore a tale about clash. There is battle between family, culture, and religion of the Ibo individuals which is totally welcomed on by a distinction in close to home convictions and customs. There are the solid assessments of the principle character, Okonkwo. We are likewise acquainted with the perspectives on his town, Umuofia. At last, we perceive how things self-destruct when these convictions and customs are gone up against by those of the white teachers. Chinua Achebe is a result of both local and European societies. This greatly affects the recounting the story. At the point when he recounts to the story with an understanding and individual encounters in the two societies. He doesn't depict the African culture and their convictions as primitive. He basically tells it for what it's worth and how things occurred. It is the equivalent with the white men. Chinua Achebe understood that neither of the way of life were terrible, however they just had a distinction in convictions. We see a contention from the get-go in the story among Okonkwo and his dad, Unoka. â€Å"Okonkwo was controlled by one enthusiasm †to abhor everything that his dad Unoka had cherished. We will compose a custom article on Things Fall Apart Story explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Something or other was tenderness and another was idleness†(p. 13). Unoka was viewed as a disappointment. Okonkwo didn't get anything from his dad and he needed to begin with nothing. His objective in life was to get extraordinary riches and to have numerous spouses and youngsters. The Ibo individuals considered these things indications of progress. However, his most noteworthy objective was his longing to get one of the amazing seniors of the faction. It is Okonkwo’s inward outrage and sharpness over his father’s disappointment that appeared to be the main impetus behind all that he did throughout everyday life. This was obvious in the way that he generally felt as if he needed to do what was masculine and he detested shortcoming. Similarly as Okonkwo would not like to resemble his dad, Nwoye would not like to resemble Okonkwo. Nwoye had characteristics that Okonkwo didn't, for example, tenderness, absolution, and acknowledgment. Okonkwo saw these as indications of shortcoming. â€Å"Okonkwo never indicated any feeling transparently, except if it be the feeling of outrage. To give fondness was an indication of shortcoming; the main thing worth exhibiting was strength†(p. 28). Okonkwo considered Nwoye to be apathetic and needed him to be a triumph such as himself. Okonkwo needed his child to be an extraordinary rancher and an incredible man. I won't have a child who can't hold up his head in the social occasion of the tribe. I would sooner choke him with my own hands†(p. 33). This is a case of the distinction in close to home convictions among family. Some may state that the book is about the distinctions in convictions between the Africans and the colonizers, yet it is more than that. Obviously it was Okonkwo’s individual convictions and not really the perspectives on the individuals of Umuofia which guided him in what he did. One of these is his dependence in the quality of outrage. Despite the fact that he felt firmly in the convictions and customs of the Ibo individuals, there are a few events wherein Okonkwo settled on a choice to defy the traditions so as to experience his very own convictions. For instance, in part four, Okonkwo is hollered at by Ezeani, the cleric of the earth goddess, for beating his significant other during the sacrosanct seven day stretch of harmony. Okonkwo didn't feel regret for his activities and presumably thought of it as an indication of solidarity and masculinity. Okonkwo was constantly stressed over being viewed as feeble. One genuine case of this is the point at which he executes Ikemefuna. .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .postImageUrl , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:hover , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:visited , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:active { border:0!important; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:active , .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0dad7f739 ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0dad7f739ecbb24d1a38553034cfc45a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Consider the topical or potentially emblematic noteworthiness of time in Pearce, P., Tom's Midnight Garden EssayOkonkwo preferred the kid since he saw a few decent characteristics in him that he wished his own child had. He must be executed due to one of their traditions. At the point when it came time to kill Ikemefuna, Okonkwo conveyed the second and last blow from his blade and killed the kid with the goal that individuals would not imagine that he was powerless. After Ikemefuna was killed, Okonkwo couldn't eat or drink for quite a long time since he was vexed. In any case, he caused himself to dispose of those emotions a nd advised himself that executing somebody ought not trouble him since he dreaded being viewed as feeble, similar to a â€Å"shivering woman†(p. 5). This equivalent occasion is additionally a significant breakdown for Okonkwo. Slaughtering Ikemefuna speaks to executing off everything in which Okonkwo accepted firmly in. He saw his very own significant number characteristics in Ikemefuna. He could have done a ton of useful for the group and Okonkwo was extremely glad for him in any case, he winds up murdering Ikemefuna himself. Similarly as Okonkwo was picking up power and higher situations inside the faction, he was ousted for a long time for coincidentally killing another individual from the group. They torched every one of his cabins and he and he and his family needed to live in his country. Despite the fact that everybody realized that he was guiltless and that the expulsion was intended for homicide, nobody was happy to challenge the convention. The way that the Ibo individuals depended on custom and would not acknowledge change was a frail point in their general public. As Okonkwo was getting ready to come back to Umuofia from his time is banish, he was anticipating that the individuals should be left for his arrival. He figured they would be glad to have their warrior head back home. Their response was not what he anticipated. He accepted that the individuals had become frail. The evangelists had likewise shown up in Umuofia. Okonkwo was not terrified of them from the outset. He didn't feel that anybody would accept what they needed to state. The appearance of the teachers is the issue in the book where there is the greatest conflict of convictions. At the point when the Christian religion was presented, numerous individuals from the group who were not content with the Ibo religion got intrigued. A portion of the title-less men were additionally intrigued. Nwoye, who didn't support of leaving the as far as anyone knows underhanded twin children in the forested areas or the slaughtering of Ikemefuna, was likewise keen on Christianity since it instructed that executing blameless individuals wasn't right. When Okonkwo heard that Nwoye was chatting with the teachers, he was angered and he showed him out of the house. As a rule, Okonkwo was frightful and incredibly impervious to the new religion since it had the capability of destroying the deep rooted work of the faction of attempting to satisfy the divine forces of its precursors. Similarly as should be obvious a distinction in close to home convictions inside the tribe, we can likewise observe the distinction in customs or strategies or intentions between the two teachers. Mr. Earthy colored was an exceptionally detached and getting man, though, Mr. Smith was increasingly mighty and denouncing of the individuals. He didn't attempt to comprehend the traditions of the family, he just disclosed to them that they weren't right and Christianity was correct. Things truly got warmed up when a believer exposed and executed an egwugwu. In vengeance, the congregation was burned to the ground. Okonkwo and different individuals from the group were brought before the magistrate and were hassled and beaten. It was after this that a town meeting was called. Okonkwo was enraged and resolved to battle the white men. At the point when an ambassador came to separate the gathering, Okonkwo was maddened to such an extent that he murdered the man. At long last, Okonkwo ended it all by hanging himself. He realized that the individuals would not battle and he was embarrassed about what the Ibo society had become. â€Å"He realized that Umuofia would not do battle. He knew on the grounds that they had let the other errand person escape. They had broken into tumult rather than action†(p. 205). All that he lived for and put stock in would have been removed by the white men. He would not like to see
A survey of one Financial Market Anomaly (e.g. The Momentum Effect and Essay
A review of one Financial Market Anomaly (for example The Momentum Effect and Market Efficiency) - Essay Example Oddities determine either showcase incapability or deficiencies in the central resource evaluating model. Logically, showcase oddity is viewed as a cost and profit erroneous conclusion for budgetary market which seems to contradict ‘efficient advertise hypotheses’ (Schwert, 2002). This report depends on the overview of one money related market irregularity named ‘turn-of-the-year’ impact. The goal of the report is hence to perceive and depict the explanations behind the event of turn-of-the-year abnormality. Moreover, the report likewise intends to see how this irregularity impacts the part of market proficiency. Meaning of Turn-of-the-Year Anomaly The turn-of-the-year impact characterizes a blueprint of expanded exchanging amount and higher stock costs the year end (for example a week ago of December) and in the start of year (for example the initial fourteen days of January). As indicated by Keim (1983) and Reinganum (1983), larger part of sporadic incomes produced by little associations occurs during the initial fourteen days of January. This inconsistency is perceived as turn-of-the-year impact. In this specific situation, Roll (1983) had estimated that higher eccentrics of little capitalisation stocks cause significant momentary capital misfortunes. The greater part of the financial specialists subsequently want to acknowledge annual assessment before year end. This pressure prompts more deals of stock toward the finish of year, bringing about significant minimisation of costs of little capitalisation stocks (Schwert, 2002). Example of Turn-of-the-Year Anomaly The investigation of the Return on Investment (ROI) of US alongside other key monetary markets continually found hearty dissimilarities in stock yielding conduct over the year. The accompanying figure therefore delineates the normal ROI on month to month premise from 1927 to 2001 in the US: Source: (Stern School of Business, 2012) From the above figure, it tends to be seen t hat the profits on interest in January from 1927 to 2001 were impressively higher in the US in contrast with the arrival of different months. This example of profits can be seen in the initial fourteen days of January. To be expressed, the turn of the year impact was significantly more observable for little associations in correlation with large associations (Stern School of Business, 2012). In any case, the turn-of-the-year oddity was found out to b just existing in those business sectors where singular personal duties are dynamic. In the comparable setting, the example of the financial exchanges of Hong Kong revealed a turn-of-the-year impact attributable to the way that there were no capital increases from charges. Thus, in China the capital gains on charges are considered as uniform which doesn't offer any sort of incitement for financial specialists during year closes. In this manner, turn-of-the-year irregularity is not really seen in China just as in Hong Kong (Ji, 2008). Rev elation of Turn-of-the-Year Anomaly The occasional irregularity had been first recognized by Sidney B. Watchel in the year 1942. Sequentially, in the year 1976, Rozeff and Kinney had recorded the turn-of-the-year impact in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) just because. They had discovered that the normal yield of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Conditions On A Slave Ship free essay sample
The conditions on a slave transport were really very crushing. There are numerous r season with regards to why this is valid. One explanation is that there was not a lot of room. An other explanation was that there was a smell. Additionally, the slaves definitely recognized what they were going t o need to do when they arrived at the New World. The last explanation is that the slaves were dealt with q tie inadequately. There was not a critical space for day to day environments. Along these lines, slaves needed to suffer being on the boat for around two months and remain in an inclined position. The slaves would need to be adjusted one close to another and would be stuck like that for the en rage journey.This made hardships for a significant number of the slaves and would prompt them genuinely n to having the option to relax. This is on the grounds that there were insufficient vents to flexibly oxygen to the slaves. We will compose a custom article test on Conditions On A Slave Ship or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Due to not having enough vents to gracefully outside air, there was generally a SST inch on the slave ships. This odor disturbed the slaves and particularly annoyed Aloud Equation. The odor was generally the smell of unabated individuals. Some depict the living c documentations as Inhumane. Not having enough vents additionally brought about suffocation and warmth. The slaves additionally realized what they would do when they arrived at their des nation.This gave them an opportunity to think about what they were doing. Their decision was to either remain on the transport and bear an existence of agony and enduring or bounce off the boat and want to pass on. This is the purpose behind Quinoas quote, l presently wanted for the last companion, demise, to calm The slaves were dealt with inadequately which was likewise one reason why t hello needed to slaughter themselves.
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Digital Future of Work What Skills Will Be Needed
The Digital Future of Work What Skills Will Be Needed Over the last two decades, computing power has grown to unprecedented levels, and there have been huge advancements in technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and so on.These advancements are rapidly changing the nature of the relationship between employment and technology.These changes will bring huge benefits to the business environment, including increased levels of productivity, improved quality of products and services, and fewer errors.Unfortunately, these benefits will come at a cost.As machines become better at performing various tasks, they will increasingly take over many of the jobs that are currently needed by humans.This means that workers will need to acquire a different set of skills if they are to remain in the workforce.Today, machines are already conducting many of the tasks that were considered to be the preserve of humans.They are writing news stories for news publications, reviewing patient medical d ata for doctors, mining data for lawyers, making sales calls, handling customer service, and even driving the vehicles on our streets.As the technology grows and develops even further, machines will start encroaching on more human work activities, and many of the skills that are considered valuable today will become redundant.According to a 2017 report by McKinsey, between 75 and 375 million workers across the world (about 14% of the global workforce) will need to retrain and acquire new skills within the next 10 years in order to adapt to new jobs that will emerge as the nature of work becomes increasingly digital.For a kid who is currently in high school, figuring out what skills they need to acquire in order to increase their chances in the job market is becoming increasingly difficult.Today, there’s far less predictability about the skills that will be in demand a few years down the line.A few decades ago, a ten year old kid could say “I wish to pursue a career in this field ,†and then go ahead to acquire the education and skills necessary to pursue that career.Today, doing this is a huge bet, since there is a chance that the said career might not be viable by the time the kid is done with their education.According to a report by the World Economic Forum, over 50% of the jobs that students who are currently in elementary school will work on once they become of working age are yet to be invented.Already, a report by McKinsey shows that over 50% of the jobs in existence today can theoretically be automated using currently demonstrated technologies. This potential for automation brings with it the threat of massive automation.So, what skills will one need in order to remain as part of the workforce in a workplace that is increasingly becoming digital?Before answering this question, we need to understand the different types of human abilities, and the impact of machines on these human abilities.TWO TYPES OF HUMAN ABILITIESHuman abilities can be divided i nto two categories: physical and cognitive abilities. In the past, humans made machines to help them with tasks that they considered to be physically taxing.Therefore, even while machines and automation have been in existence for more than a century, they did not cause mass unemployment because they only took over physical jobs that needed no special skills.For instance, anyone with the physical strength could work in a farm, because no special skills were needed.Similarly, anyone with the physical strength could package and arrange merchandise in a warehouse without relying on any specialized skills.When tractors and forklifts were introduced, they displaced a lot of people from such jobs because humans were no match for these machines (tractors and forklifts) in terms of raw physical strength.While these machines displaced a lot of people from the physically demanding jobs, they did not cause mass unemployment because humans still had an edge over machines when it came to cognitiv e abilities.These machines could not think or perform tasks that relied on reasoning, learning, decision making, and problem solving. As workers got displaced from physically demanding jobs, they took up the new service jobs that emerged, jobs that required cognitive abilities.However, the machines (or rather engineers and developers) have not been resting. Having edged us out of jobs that relied on physical strength, machines and automation are now coming for jobs that require cognitive abilities.Technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence have made it possible for machines to perform tasks that require abilities such as decision making, analyzing information, learning, reasoning, problem solving, and so on.This foray of machines and automation into jobs that require cognitive abilities means they are now threatening to take over all types of jobs and not just the physical, low skill jobs. In a few years, you might find bankers, doctors, financial advisors, wr iters, developers, and several other jobs being taken over by machines.With machines having edged us out of physical jobs and now coming for jobs that require cognitive abilities, we will soon have no other sphere where we can wield our dominance over them. So, what will humans do once machines have taken over all jobs?While they are threatening to displace us from all sorts of jobs, it is important to keep in mind that machines cannot possibly do everything. Instead, this automation age will require collaboration between humans and machines.Below, let’s take a look at some of the skills that will be needed in this digital future of work.SKILLS THAT WILL BE NEEDED IN THE DIGITAL FUTURE OF WORK As machines take over the mindless, routine and repetitive tasks that can be easily translated into algorithms, there will be increased demand for soft skills which are a lot harder for machines to acquire.These are skills that revolve around applying expertise, communication, and interactin g with and managing other people.A study by the Foundation for Young Australians reports that majority of future jobs (70%) will need workers with non-industry specific soft skills that can be transferred between different industries, roles, and positions.It’s also important to note that the traditional approach where young people got an education and acquired skills and then spent the rest of their lives applying these skills will no longer work in the digital future of work.Workers of the future will need to keep learning new skills throughout their working lives.As the requirements of different occupations change due to advances in technology and automation, workers will need to adapt by getting different types of training and acquiring new skills and credentials.Only by doing this will future workers be able to remain relevant in the workforce.While we cannot be absolutely certain what the future holds for the job market, some of the skills that are likely to be in high demand as work becomes increasingly digital include:Digital Literacy SkillsAs most types of jobs adopt digital technologies, there will be an increase in demand for digital literacy among workers.Workers across various industries and a wide range of occupations will rely on generic ICT skills in order to use various technologies which will be part and parcel of their daily work.Today, most jobs rely on ICT products and services â€" cloud computing and big data, various software programs, websites, ecommerce, and so on.All these products and services need workers to have general ICT knowledge in order to use them.Even occupations that were traditionally considered to be labor intensive, such as nursing and caring for the aged, will require the ability to work with sophisticated computer systems and operate complex machines.As smart devices and home automation take root, even people such as electricians will need some generic ICT knowledge to understand these smart home systems and be able to connect them.Basically, being digitally literate will be a threshold requirement for most jobs.The digital transformation of work is also changing how work is carried out and therefore driving the increase in demand for ICT-complimentary skills, such as communication, the ability to process and analyze complex information, and the ability to plan in advance and make quick adjustments.Various studies show that increased use of ICT systems at work often leads to less focus on physical work and more focus on problem solving and interaction between colleagues and clients.As ICT transforms business models, there will be more demand for these ICT-complimentary skulls that are required to perform these tasks.CreativityCreativity can be defined as the process through which we make new connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts, transcend traditional approaches, and come up with something new and original.The new thing could be an idea, a new solution, an object, new method s, you name it.Creativity is one of the areas where humans will maintain an edge over machines. Machines are generally good at following rules and work within a structured environment.They are told what to do, and then they do it exceptionally well.Creativity, however, does not rely on rules and structure. Instead, creativity relies on thinking that is not constrained by well-defined rules, which is why machines are poor when it comes to creativity.Therefore, as machines take up other jobs that rely on following rules and working within a structured environment, we can expect that there will be an increase in demand for highly creative individuals.Enterprise and Entrepreneurial SkillsA lot of the productivity growth, innovation, and the new employment opportunities that are coming up in today’s business environment are driven by enterprise and entrepreneurs.As the economy becomes increasingly digital, it is inevitable that there will be an increase in demand for workers with these capabilities.Enterprise skills can be described as highly transferable skills that allow people to navigate within a complex world and successfully overcome any challenges they come across. These are skills that require a higher level of thinking.Enterprise skills are already in high demand in a lot of jobs and have been shown to be a great predictor of long term job success.Employees with enterprise and entrepreneurial skills have the ability to consider the current and future needs of their organizations and combine them with new approaches and methods to drive innovation within their organizations.They are very optimistic and have a high risk appetite. Also referred to as intrapreneurs, these are the kind of workers who end up spawning “startup†cultures within their organizations.As the future of work becomes increasingly digital, demand for workers with these skills will rise as businesses and organizations try to come up with new innovations to drive productivity and gain an edge over their competitors.Critical ThinkingCritical thinking can be defined as the intellectual and logical process of skillfully and actively evaluating, analyzing, synthesizing, applying and/or conceptualizing information gathered or generated through experience, observation, communication, reflection, or reasoning.The outcome of the critical thinking process is then used to solve problems, make decisions, or guide beliefs and action.Very often, critical thinking requires that someone analyze constantly changing situations, consider different courses of actions and make decisions on how to proceed, while at the same time keeping in mind the repercussions of these decisions in a highly complex and dynamic world.Despite all the progress in machine intelligence, people are still unwilling to leave such tasks to machines, especially in situations where making the wrong decision could have potentially disastrous outcomes.Therefore, you can expect that demand for critical thinking skills will still be high even as the work becomes increasingly digital.STEM SkillsMuch of the current advancement in technology has been driven by people within the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.As the nature of work becomes increasingly digital, there will be increased demand for more innovations and technological progress as more and more businesses start relying on automation to complete various tasks.This technological progress and innovation will be spearheaded by workers with advanced STEM skills, and you can therefore expect that demand for these skills will remain high way into the future.SMAC SkillsThe convergence of social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) technologies is currently driving business innovation and disrupting the world.As work becomes increasingly digital, these technologies will play a key role in improving business operations and helping businesses to effectively reach their customers with minimal cost.Consider this: today, almost every business has an online presence.Majority of people are accessing online services through mobile devices. Statistics already show that more users access the internet on mobile devices than on desktop.The use of mobile devices, social media, smart devices and wearable technology is generating a stream of data that is birthing new business models.Many businesses are also turning to cloud computing to make operations more efficient and develop new business models.Moving into the future, SMAC technologies will become a core aspect of every business, driving demand for people with advanced SMAC skills.People SkillsLike we saw earlier, machines will take over the mindless, routine and repetitive tasks, freeing workers to focus on more important tasks, such as finding solutions to 21st century problems such as poverty, climate change, overpopulation, environmental degradation, and so on.Coming up with solutions to these challenges will require people to work together and colla borate on unprecedented levels.For such levels of collaboration to be possible, there will be a high demand for workers with excellent people skills, workers who have the ability to listen to others, communicate properly and facilitate productive dialogue, connect emotionally with their co-workers and effectively manage others, showing self-awareness, responsiveness and empathy.These are skills that machines are yet to master.Complex Problem Solving and Mental FlexibilityOver the next couple of years/decades, we will be marching into new territory.For the first time ever, we will be living in a world where most aspects of our day to day lives will be reliant on technology.Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that we will find ourselves having to tackle problems we have never come across before.Coming up with solutions to these problems will call for workers the mental flexibility required to ditch conventional approaches and adopt new, unorthodox methods that are better suited for this new world.What’s more, we are headed towards a future where things will change very rapidly.New business models and approaches to business will come up and become obsolete within a few years. Novel ideas today will quickly become redundant as more ideas come up.For businesses to survive and thrive in such a highly dynamic environment, they will need workers with the mental flexibility to quickly adapt to all these changes and figure out the best course of action to keep the business on top.You can bet that there will be great demand for workers with this mental flexibility and the ability to solve complex problems in a constantly changing world.Interdisciplinary KnowledgeWhile machines are exceeding some of our capabilities, they are only good at specialized tasks.A program that was built to drive a vehicle will do it better than the average human, but it cannot do much else.A program designed to help lawyers mine data might be exceptionally good at that task, but it can not advice clients or represent them in court.As machines become better and better at specialized tasks, jobs of the future will increasingly need workers who are knowledgeable in multiple disciplines.Workers will be required to connect their knowledge from a wide range of fields and use these connections to develop innovative, out of the box solutions to new, unexpected problems.THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN PREPARING WORKERS FOR THE DIGITAL FUTURE OF WORKThe key to preparing young people for the digital future of work is transformation of education and training. Workers of the future will need high levels of knowledge and skills in multiple disciplines as well as continuous learning.This calls for unconventional approaches to education and training.As is stands today, we are using an educational system that was designed to mold a workforce for the industrial age. Unfortunately, we are no longer in the industrial age.The old system of education placed a lot of focus on routine and fixed procedures and specialized knowledge.Today, students spend a few years learning how to do something, and then go out and do this same thing for the rest of their working lives. This model was perfect for the industrial age because there was hardly any change for years, sometimes for decades.However, this will not work in the digital future. Rather than placing the greatest focus on routine, fixed procedures and specialized knowledge, education that will shape the future workforce needs to place greater focus on continuous learning, development of transferable skills, as well as flexibility and the ability to adapt to a changing job environment.Another problem with the current approach to education is that it views skills such as creativity and imagination as inborn skills that cannot be learnt.The current education system also promotes the view that these skills are only useful in jobs that have been traditionally considered to be “creativeâ€, such as the arts, and so on.However , this view of creativity and imagination is wrong. Both these skills can be learnt and developed.In addition, as machines become better than us at tasks that can be reduced into algorithms, creativity and imagination will become a requirement in almost all kinds of jobs of the future.Therefore, the education system needs to undergo a transformation that will see more emphasis placed on these skills.WRAPPING UPAs the nature of most jobs become more and more digital, robots, machines, and AI systems will take up most of the tasks we get paid to do today.This uptake of jobs by machines means that many of the skills that are in demand today will become obsolete.To remain in the workforce, workers will need to develop new skills, skills that are better suited to the digital future of work.Some of the skills that will be highly valuable in the digital future of work include digital literacy skills, creativity, enterprise and entrepreneurial skills, critical thinking, STEM and SMAC skills , people skills, complex problem solving and mental flexibility, as well as inter-disciplinary knowledge.It is also good to note that preparing for the digital future of work requires a transformation in the education system to ensure that learners are equipped with skills that will help them remain value in this digital future of work.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Death of Louise Mallard and Female Identity in The...
In Chopin’s thousand work short story The Story of an Hour, the protagonist Louise Mallard is afflicted with heart trouble but learns that her husband has died in a railroad accident. Upon her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard catches a glimpse of what independence feels like, but it is quickly taken away from once her husband returns unharmed. Chopin’s feminist ideals form the basis of this story where she explores female identity in a patriarchal society. For women of her time, marriage could be likened to prison where only death could set their â€Å"body and soul free†(Chopin 237). Considering the status of women in the late nineteenth century, Louise Mallard is a sympathetic character; she represents the oppression of women and the†¦show more content†¦Critics praised her brilliance, but they were â€Å"horrified by the heroine’s self-indulgence, and the author’s objective treatment of it, and they admonished her to go back to the description of ‘sweet and lovable characters’†in one of her previous works (Seyersted 5). This criticism left her particularly distressed, which may be a factor in why Louise Mallard does not get the chance to indulge in her newfound independence. One can assume that though Chopin is an all-out feminist, she was still somewhat controlled by patriarchy, and this control spills over into this short story. For instance, a typical trope of the turn of the century is that women were weaker both physically and mentally. Feminists might object to where Chopin writes, â€Å"She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will – as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been†(Chopin 236). This is because, according to these feminists, Chopin perpetuates the idea that women are the weaker sex by presenting Mrs. Mallard as hesitant to accept and unable to conceive this newfound freedom she faces in this scene (Larson 96). Making this more disturbing for feminists is that this stereotypical vision of women ofShow MoreRelatedLiterary Criticism of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour1338 Words  | 5 PagesLiterary Criticism and the Story of an Hour Literary criticism gives the reader the tools to see literature in new ways. Each type focuses on different components of the story and asks the reader to examine a given text for ques. When an analysis is performed in a given critical style, a whole new perspective of the text becomes available. Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour is an account of a marriage in the late 19th century. Mrs. Louise Mallard is identified by her marriage and she allows herselfRead MoreKate CHopins Story of an Hour Essay1271 Words  | 6 Pages In Kate Chopins Story of an Hour the author portrays patriarchal oppression in the institution of marriage by telling the story of one fateful hour in the life of a married woman. Analyzing the work through feminist criticism, one can see the implications of masculine discourse. Mrs. Mallards medical diagnosis is an example of the male-dominated society in which she lives. They are able to tell her that she indeed has a heart condition, but are unable to treat her effectivelyRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Kate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour 1274 Words  | 6 PagesTheory in The Story of an Hour Women are no stranger to a socially constrained lifestyle and society, especially in the late 1800’s. Women were believed to live a certain way, fulfill certain roles and duties in the household, and to be extremely fragile and weak. This type of culture still exists today but not to the extreme that it once was. Kate Chopin, however, not afraid speak out against the implications of society breaks free of the social norms of the 1800’s through her strong female charactersRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour973 Words  | 4 PagesDeath is a common concept with common reactions. Society expects the response to the death of a spouse to be one of tears, depression, and years of mourning. However, the first time someone feels relief or happiness at the news of his or her spouse’s death is suddenly viewed as inappropriate, so it must be kept on the inside. The problem is that the reason behind the happiness is often forgotten to be analyzed. What was happeni ng behind closed doors? What was the marriage representing? Mrs. MallardRead MoreThe Story of an Hour1203 Words  | 5 PagesAlternate ending to â€Å"The Story of an Hour†â€Å"Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey, it was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine s piercing cry; at Richards quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife†(Chopin, 16). Josephine rushed to the door looked at Mr. Mallard with great amazement, â€Å"AmRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story Story Of An Hour 1388 Words  | 6 PagesStephanie Morales May 18, 2016 English V01B, Section 31953 Essay 3 Research Paper Word Count: Title Women throughout history have often been undermined and have never lived to their full potential. In the short story, â€Å"Story of an Hour†the main character; Mrs. Mallard displays the ongoing struggles of what women during the eighteenth century had to go through. Men often had patriarchal values and dictated what type of behavior and traditional roles women had to follow that was deemed acceptableRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour974 Words  | 4 PagesThe Story of an Hour: Literary Response A metaphoric story, a common for female writers of the time wishing to be more than just a Mrs., Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†examines the freedom of being single and independent yet lacks the realities and long term effects of such independence. The third person narrative allows the reader to feel the joy Mrs. Mallard experiences at the news of her husband’s death and the use of simple prose only heightens the experience. Details of her freedom areRead MoreThe Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin1161 Words  | 5 Pagesa major way in Kate Chopins’ â€Å"The Story of an Hour.†The story portrays a story about the lack of freedom that all woman had in the 1800’s. The word feminism as defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. A woman’s job and duty in the 1800’s was to tend to the needs of their husband’s needs. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†Mrs. Mallard, one of the main characters, was told about her husband’s death and she was initially very emotionalRead MoreIrony in The Story of an Hour642 Words  | 3 PagesIrony in Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†â€Å"The story of an hour†by Kate Chopin is described as a story of great irony having many unexpected twists and turns. Situational and dramatic irony is used throughout the story. This is a story of a woman who finds out her husband’s death in a train accident and reacts with sadness in the beginning, but then realizes a freedom and relief from her repressive life. She experiences a complete joy over the death of her husband and dies from the shock of discoveringRead MoreKate Chopin s An Hour1323 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"protection†under an onerous marriage. In The Story of an Hour, through peculiar sentence structure, feministic themes, and irony, Kate Chopin portrays the resentment of women towards the oppressive institution of marriage through Mrs. Mallard’s joviality for her newly discovered freedom- a product of her husband’s assumed passing. Body Paragraph #1- Literary Device: Sentence Structure Kate Chopin commences the short story with â€Å"Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care
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